So it's kind of been some time since I've written on here...LOL, so here I am.
Today was a pretty low-key yet somehow subconsciously one of those 'thought-provoking' kind of days I suppose. After receiving my 2nd 'Red Flag Day' parking ticket within the past 2 months - this past weekend.. I needed to focus on life.
...After taking my mom home from the airport I figured I needed to get out town for a bit and at least escape to a different COUNTY. So I'm staying at mom's tonight. Not much relaxing, but the kind that can be mixed with the family kind of tough love and having some kind of privacy. If there's anyone tougher on myself, it would be my mom and the eldest of the brohams, Chris. My mom brought some valid points to the our many series of convos on the way up to her house. ha, having no radio in the car will tend to do that I suppose. (Yeah, I still haven't replaced it since the last New Years Eve that my car got broken into). I've noticed there's a reason I've been coming to visit my mom and brother more often. Other than trying to make good on my mess-ups..I want to be around that honest and brutal love that you get when living under the same roof or at least having a bit of an extended stay. I kind of miss living with my mom and bro...I haven't been continuously under the same roof as them since leaving for college -- 8 years ago. So I truly cherish the time I have when it's more than just a visit or going to my brother's football game together.
Nowadays I rarely get the same amount of sleep as my body was once used to..but it's all for a good reason. Plus I fed the homeless on saturday morning again. I was stoked to make their morning and bring a buddy along this time around.
However, I still feel I need to step it up...and keep stepping it up because this economy is legitimately out of control. Not just because it's a new year - - every day is a new day, every day..every moment is a new way to live, love, laugh..and enjoy life as much as possible. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the makes each accomplishment, each feat that much more meaningful. Life is a blessing..sometimes it may be hard to realize all of that, but each step / each person prepping us. So are you ready?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, December 26, 2008
the Reason...
So, I've been aware there are certain individuals that come in and out of our lives for a reason. It could be for a nano second in time or it could be for most of our lifetime. Whatever the case, I'm fortunate and blessed for the moments we each have with one another. But when it comes to something that has become a bit more significant as life progresses it suggests the self to do some true-blue soul searching. My head probably hurts from all the thinking I've had to do, but at the same time, you have to allow the self to evolve...don't fight the progression because it'll only delay where the mind, body and soul should be.
Although, it's not all about the a sense it is. If you want someone to "stick around" to get to know you a bit longer, you have to present something of further than what's at the mere face value - which can always be a good starting point. It's like one of my 5th grade teachers, who would punish any of his students for their stupidity by hugging a chewing-gum filled tree and then on a good day write 50 - 100 sentences that started something like.."..responsibility starts with me and ends with me..". Meaning just like how good ole Mr. Moltane would put it, we must be accountable for our actions and ourselves. And as much as I occassionally didn't agree with my college softball coach's one of the more relevant things she tried to teach us were we can only "control..the controllable..".
..We control who and what environment we decide to marinate ourselves in. There was a reason these people were in my life and there was reason they said what they said - strongly urging notions.
Needless to say, I think it's incredibly vital for a human being to grow even if you know a different way of's okay to do and try something different. But remember you control YOUR life. Others can influence, motivate, and even inspire just by being themselves..but ultimately it's your call in life. Thus far, my life has been full of ups and downs..all in some format - a blessing.
As I sit at the age of 25. I remember how I acted when I was younger. There were reasons I acted the way that I did and what are the lasting effects now, lol and how in the world can I work on these childhood moments so that I can progress in my adulthood, my womanhood (and what will god willing be a motherhood).
I've already done and said things that have shown I've subconciously developed and made (good) decisions without thinking twice about it. ha, almost where I have to question where the positivity and the urge to want to do "the right thing" comes from. I try not to question it anymore, I've accepted that's the growth I can't stop if it's for the better.
I try to surround myself around those that would prove the cliche saying to be at least somewhat true.. "you are the company you keep". I appreciate all of the folks from my past, from my present, and from what will be in my future. There will be certain individuals to bring and motivate perhaps a side of you that was willingly being supressed. Life truly is a party: some of those people you say a brief hello to while others decide to go around the party with you to meet others and have fun with you, then there's the person that'll say hi / talk a bit sparatically throughout the party. As much as I would like to keep in touch with everyone I've ever come in contact..some folks just operate on their own accord and you have to respect it.
Anyhoot, I appreciate everyone and all the moments we share as tomorrow nor later today are guaranteed. Love ya!
Although, it's not all about the a sense it is. If you want someone to "stick around" to get to know you a bit longer, you have to present something of further than what's at the mere face value - which can always be a good starting point. It's like one of my 5th grade teachers, who would punish any of his students for their stupidity by hugging a chewing-gum filled tree and then on a good day write 50 - 100 sentences that started something like.."..responsibility starts with me and ends with me..". Meaning just like how good ole Mr. Moltane would put it, we must be accountable for our actions and ourselves. And as much as I occassionally didn't agree with my college softball coach's one of the more relevant things she tried to teach us were we can only "control..the controllable..".
..We control who and what environment we decide to marinate ourselves in. There was a reason these people were in my life and there was reason they said what they said - strongly urging notions.
Needless to say, I think it's incredibly vital for a human being to grow even if you know a different way of's okay to do and try something different. But remember you control YOUR life. Others can influence, motivate, and even inspire just by being themselves..but ultimately it's your call in life. Thus far, my life has been full of ups and downs..all in some format - a blessing.
As I sit at the age of 25. I remember how I acted when I was younger. There were reasons I acted the way that I did and what are the lasting effects now, lol and how in the world can I work on these childhood moments so that I can progress in my adulthood, my womanhood (and what will god willing be a motherhood).
I've already done and said things that have shown I've subconciously developed and made (good) decisions without thinking twice about it. ha, almost where I have to question where the positivity and the urge to want to do "the right thing" comes from. I try not to question it anymore, I've accepted that's the growth I can't stop if it's for the better.
I try to surround myself around those that would prove the cliche saying to be at least somewhat true.. "you are the company you keep". I appreciate all of the folks from my past, from my present, and from what will be in my future. There will be certain individuals to bring and motivate perhaps a side of you that was willingly being supressed. Life truly is a party: some of those people you say a brief hello to while others decide to go around the party with you to meet others and have fun with you, then there's the person that'll say hi / talk a bit sparatically throughout the party. As much as I would like to keep in touch with everyone I've ever come in contact..some folks just operate on their own accord and you have to respect it.
Anyhoot, I appreciate everyone and all the moments we share as tomorrow nor later today are guaranteed. Love ya!
Monday, December 15, 2008
the 25th year on planet earth
ha, so it seemed as if 1 day to o days left went fairly quickly considering it was a and weekends for some reason happen to go either waaay to fast lol, or waaay to slow.
Saturday - It felt like something that was so vital to my world and my life before turning as they say.. "a quarter of a century". So early in the morning I fed the homeless out in Ventura, CA at some Catholic Center that my mom normally helps out at every 2nd Saturday of each month. It was my first time being able to feed the homeless, be face to face with them minus the phony homeless (that may be a totally different blog altogether). So I actually went to sub for my mom because she had something to do. I'm incredibly greatful that I was able to do that the day before my 25th b-day. So after I did that for a few hours, I went and hung out with my mom and bro when they were home. Then my mom showed me the Virgin Mary that was chilling at the house, yeah kinda random..but her face somehow was outlined in a blanket that was on my mom's chair. lol, got the pics for proof..anyhoot, lol then somehow I was sleeping off and on throughout the day watching tv and created the 'bomb bueno' homemade pastrami sandwich..good stuff right there! Then all of a sudden before I knew, it was like 10pm, lol so I headed home - no pre-bday partying or anything, just went straight home and went - to - sleep! man, what an oldie move right there. lol oh well, I'm preserving for the party on Friday night. hehe..
Sunday - YAY. was the day - my 25th bday. I met up with my mom and brother at a church in Westlake Village and saw Vin Scully, you know, the famous 'voice of the (L.A.) Dodgers.' I was so stoked especially considering I really didn't want to be there in Church. lol, I have my own issues with the institution called 'church', but I'm certainly religious so I tried to make the most of it. I found it to be quite a church scene straight out of South Park. With the big pastor or priest at the front of the church with the britney spears mic (the headset mic), lol with a little mini-fan next to the holy table thingy. lol it was pretty funny. Anyhoot, so we did the church thing and then we were off to the scrumptious brunch my mom had planned at Viva Pasta in Simi Valley where my Tatie (my aunt) happened to be in town and brought her daughter/my cousin.
Later that day, I went to my dad's house and enjoyed a b-day appetizer/dinner with my step mom, dad and brohams with a cool homemade fudge chocolate cake. it was soo good. lol, then went to dinner with a couple of my buds and called it an evening. One of the buds wanted to stay out partying later, lol but I promised I would party with them on the 19th - night of my party.
Friday, Dec. 19th - Needless to say, my party had as many parties do what I like to call um, a "rough start." LOL. Either way, I was going to party, drink and have a splendid time as I did. We had my 25th party in the Plush Lounge which is the downstairs area of the famous Key Club on the infamous sunset. lol DJ Brooke was rippin it on the 1's and 2's with the fresh 80's & 90's tunes once we got everything set, lol and kicked that terrible band out and off of the stage.
Soooo, my friend is one of the Plush Lounge/V.I.P. Bar (whatever they're calling it nowadays) bartenders. He introduced to me what would perhaps be my demise of the evening, the 'Chocolate Covered Cherry Shot'. lol what we will now call the tasted like Chocolate cake, it actually did. But of course, my taste isn't always agreed upon by most..the general belief was it tasted like dimetap/ and a bit of Chocolate. To make drinking a bit easier, for those that wanted to drink with me, I just said, give me the CCC! lol, the CCC! lets do a CCC! wooow did that somehow backfire in the middle of the party. I was still good by this point, and then my friend I had promised I would drink away with was there so of course I needed to somehow keep my word. I was doing well. haha, then my broham Chris comes in with his peeps - one of the guys wanted to be a 'good guy' and do the celebratory thing and of course buy me a shot. lol and i said..of course, give me the CCC!..and they said "Nope!.. Lets do something else......Henny!"...oooh HEEEELL NO!..and somehow that Hell No became a Hell YES. Mis.Led was performing, doing her thang....aaaand About 2 minutes later it was a wrap and 3 quarters. ha, I ended up in the bathroom of the Key Club re-enacting a scene of The Exorcist. It was absolutely the most blasted, wasted, drunken frame of mind I had ever been. ha, I literally ditched my own party to puke all night long. ha and of course it was the CCC aaaaaaall night long! hahaha. Either way, before and after I had a blast. I appreciate everyone that went it truly meant a lot to me. And if you were concerned about where I "disappeared" to that night, haha no worries I didn't escape with some hot guy or anything - I'm alive and wanted to spear everyone so I escaped to the bathroom. haha, then I went upstairs and sat outside of the Key Club like a homeless tweeked out person, lol it was hilarious looking back on it. Thanks to my bud Mitch for being an awesome friend and taking me home. lol and to my dad for taking me back to my car the next day..HAHAHA.
So what did we learn, haha, if we're going to drink, don't follow it up with henny. eew. lmao. just thinking about it again is making me a bit eeesh. lol but I can honestly say, the last time I got close to being that bad was this past New Years Eve and THAT wasn't even THIS hardcore. lol. maybe 2 different versions of a hardcore instance. Anyhoot, it was a great way to bring in 25 believe it or not. So thank you again to everyone especially Sean Healy for massively hooking me up, DJ Brooke and Mis.Led keeping it live! .. and Happy Holidays. :0)
Saturday - It felt like something that was so vital to my world and my life before turning as they say.. "a quarter of a century". So early in the morning I fed the homeless out in Ventura, CA at some Catholic Center that my mom normally helps out at every 2nd Saturday of each month. It was my first time being able to feed the homeless, be face to face with them minus the phony homeless (that may be a totally different blog altogether). So I actually went to sub for my mom because she had something to do. I'm incredibly greatful that I was able to do that the day before my 25th b-day. So after I did that for a few hours, I went and hung out with my mom and bro when they were home. Then my mom showed me the Virgin Mary that was chilling at the house, yeah kinda random..but her face somehow was outlined in a blanket that was on my mom's chair. lol, got the pics for proof..anyhoot, lol then somehow I was sleeping off and on throughout the day watching tv and created the 'bomb bueno' homemade pastrami sandwich..good stuff right there! Then all of a sudden before I knew, it was like 10pm, lol so I headed home - no pre-bday partying or anything, just went straight home and went - to - sleep! man, what an oldie move right there. lol oh well, I'm preserving for the party on Friday night. hehe..
Sunday - YAY. was the day - my 25th bday. I met up with my mom and brother at a church in Westlake Village and saw Vin Scully, you know, the famous 'voice of the (L.A.) Dodgers.' I was so stoked especially considering I really didn't want to be there in Church. lol, I have my own issues with the institution called 'church', but I'm certainly religious so I tried to make the most of it. I found it to be quite a church scene straight out of South Park. With the big pastor or priest at the front of the church with the britney spears mic (the headset mic), lol with a little mini-fan next to the holy table thingy. lol it was pretty funny. Anyhoot, so we did the church thing and then we were off to the scrumptious brunch my mom had planned at Viva Pasta in Simi Valley where my Tatie (my aunt) happened to be in town and brought her daughter/my cousin.
Later that day, I went to my dad's house and enjoyed a b-day appetizer/dinner with my step mom, dad and brohams with a cool homemade fudge chocolate cake. it was soo good. lol, then went to dinner with a couple of my buds and called it an evening. One of the buds wanted to stay out partying later, lol but I promised I would party with them on the 19th - night of my party.
Friday, Dec. 19th - Needless to say, my party had as many parties do what I like to call um, a "rough start." LOL. Either way, I was going to party, drink and have a splendid time as I did. We had my 25th party in the Plush Lounge which is the downstairs area of the famous Key Club on the infamous sunset. lol DJ Brooke was rippin it on the 1's and 2's with the fresh 80's & 90's tunes once we got everything set, lol and kicked that terrible band out and off of the stage.
Soooo, my friend is one of the Plush Lounge/V.I.P. Bar (whatever they're calling it nowadays) bartenders. He introduced to me what would perhaps be my demise of the evening, the 'Chocolate Covered Cherry Shot'. lol what we will now call the tasted like Chocolate cake, it actually did. But of course, my taste isn't always agreed upon by most..the general belief was it tasted like dimetap/ and a bit of Chocolate. To make drinking a bit easier, for those that wanted to drink with me, I just said, give me the CCC! lol, the CCC! lets do a CCC! wooow did that somehow backfire in the middle of the party. I was still good by this point, and then my friend I had promised I would drink away with was there so of course I needed to somehow keep my word. I was doing well. haha, then my broham Chris comes in with his peeps - one of the guys wanted to be a 'good guy' and do the celebratory thing and of course buy me a shot. lol and i said..of course, give me the CCC!..and they said "Nope!.. Lets do something else......Henny!"...oooh HEEEELL NO!..and somehow that Hell No became a Hell YES. Mis.Led was performing, doing her thang....aaaand About 2 minutes later it was a wrap and 3 quarters. ha, I ended up in the bathroom of the Key Club re-enacting a scene of The Exorcist. It was absolutely the most blasted, wasted, drunken frame of mind I had ever been. ha, I literally ditched my own party to puke all night long. ha and of course it was the CCC aaaaaaall night long! hahaha. Either way, before and after I had a blast. I appreciate everyone that went it truly meant a lot to me. And if you were concerned about where I "disappeared" to that night, haha no worries I didn't escape with some hot guy or anything - I'm alive and wanted to spear everyone so I escaped to the bathroom. haha, then I went upstairs and sat outside of the Key Club like a homeless tweeked out person, lol it was hilarious looking back on it. Thanks to my bud Mitch for being an awesome friend and taking me home. lol and to my dad for taking me back to my car the next day..HAHAHA.
So what did we learn, haha, if we're going to drink, don't follow it up with henny. eew. lmao. just thinking about it again is making me a bit eeesh. lol but I can honestly say, the last time I got close to being that bad was this past New Years Eve and THAT wasn't even THIS hardcore. lol. maybe 2 different versions of a hardcore instance. Anyhoot, it was a great way to bring in 25 believe it or not. So thank you again to everyone especially Sean Healy for massively hooking me up, DJ Brooke and Mis.Led keeping it live! .. and Happy Holidays. :0)
Friday, December 12, 2008
2 more days...
lol, don't really have much to say today. lol possibly because i feel super brain dead. lol I need an ooOOmph kick, but I've decided to refrain until the Starbucks over at the WB opens which will unfortunately be after TLA is done. I'm sure they open sooner than 7:30am, rightfully so, but that's when my behind will actually have time to walk over..get my double shot viente caramel frap (blended) with a toasted good times right there. haha, plus I think I need to enjoy my last Friday as a 24 yr.
Last night, I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a present from my good ole Uncle Mark and his wifey, and my buddy, Denora. lol, they gave me a French bottle of champagne. lol I was so geeked about it. lol just because I really wasn't expecting to recieve any gifts (at least until it was closer to my b-day - ha, but I guess that's as close as you get to a day before the weekend kicks in). gotta love it.
Last night, I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a present from my good ole Uncle Mark and his wifey, and my buddy, Denora. lol, they gave me a French bottle of champagne. lol I was so geeked about it. lol just because I really wasn't expecting to recieve any gifts (at least until it was closer to my b-day - ha, but I guess that's as close as you get to a day before the weekend kicks in). gotta love it.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
3 more days...
So now that I have more time to ponder, as you can see I've had probably too much time to ponder and pose questions (which may not always be a good thing.. in my case). Anyhoot, as I look at those that have 'RSVP' and those that are maybes as much as I'd like to get butthurt about it all, I really can't. You reap what you sow as they, most of the Facebook invites I get, I put "Maybe" because I truly never know how my day/evening will go maybe as the semi-commitment-phobe that I am, it's a pretty safe way to go. I do try to make it when so I guess I'm mutal to people not being able to attend. lol..
Yeah, of course I'd like people to show up, but it gives me a better perspective about who's officially down and maybe who's, in the 'not so much' category of things. Which is fine. it's just funny to see the mindset of people as opposed to if I threw my bday party at the beach house again per say. lol. But, again...c'est la vie and the fact that I can just kick it, hang...get blasted with those that are my true blue buds through thick and thin, that's what makes the difference.
Plus I'd like to think I've evolved a bit with the help of the family, friends, and of course - work. lol
Yeah, of course I'd like people to show up, but it gives me a better perspective about who's officially down and maybe who's, in the 'not so much' category of things. Which is fine. it's just funny to see the mindset of people as opposed to if I threw my bday party at the beach house again per say. lol. But, again...c'est la vie and the fact that I can just kick it, hang...get blasted with those that are my true blue buds through thick and thin, that's what makes the difference.
Plus I'd like to think I've evolved a bit with the help of the family, friends, and of course - work. lol
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
4 more days...
There are literally 4 more days until my JAMtastic ways may slightly be considered immature. ha, okay, maybe not so much, but that's when I get waaaay too close to the mighty age of 30. And really, I can't believe it myself that I've made it to see the age 25 (so far). 25 is not a bad age to be, but it just seems like that huge age where you absolutely..positively need to act your age, be your age, be mature, sophisticated, you know actually bring something to the table in life. haha, however, now that I think about it, I felt the same way when I was going from 19 to 20 (you longer having the 'teen' part on the end of it) and then going from 20 to 21. 21 is the beginning of people no longer taking perhaps the B.S. you learned to love to escape reality with. And now that I get to think about it some more while at work at the assignment desk (before TLA begins) haha, my mom would laugh every time I got to be a year older from when I was probably 16 yrs. old. I don't think she laughs because it's completely hilarious that I've lived to see that day, ha, even though that could be pretty funny. I think she (and I) both laugh because once upon a time in what we call the 'dark ages' making it to 16...21..and then 25 weren't really on the immediate list of ages that I would evolve to be and see.
So with that in mind, I'm stoked I get to finally celebrate in the Key Club's 'Plush Lounge' through Sean Healy. I was disputing between the Knitting Factory and the Key Club, but in the end the Key Club made more sense. I wanted to throw a different kind of I like to celebrate these "special" kind of ages (13, 16, 21, and now I hope I have the funds to pull an amazing and YES I did celebrate what can I say, my Haitian side allows me to spread my partying wow, that sounded bad.
13 years old - I was in Garden Grove, lol my very first co-ed party at my mom's house. Potato sack races, playing games in the and I think after the boys went home, most of the girls spent the night and we went 'TPing'..Yes, Toilet Papering, lol and my mom drove us (that's when people didn't get so sensitive about their houses or at least had some kind of humor behind it). Ah, yes, my buddy and next door neighboor got lost after we got caught TPing Travis Johnson's house. ha, man they got us back good. The boys at his house came back and TPed my place and added a little somethin somethin called dog poop. ah, so great. lol, talk about having a nostalgic moment.
16 years old - ah, by this time I was pretty settled into being in the city of Irvine and going to Irvine High. I had my little "Sweet 16" version, lol, obviously before they made the MTV version with all these blinged out kids. I think mine was a modest partay. lol It was at the Irvine Hyatt with some of my close buddies and family. Some of my friends and I rolled up fashionably late in a limo, lol have the good ole pics and video this time. I think that was one of the first times people (and maybe including myself) had seen me begin my little transformation (that who knew would take until 25 to grasp lol).
21 years old - haha, well that was a fking blast. There were a bunch of buddies and all of my Pitzer College peeps that partied it up at the beach house. We were fortunate enough to bus my Pitzer peeps to the house so that everyone could be safe - no drinking and driving. Man, that was awesome times. lol, we had an open bar..the great DJ Jiji Sweet getting down on the 1's and 2's and it was pretty packed.
25 years old - haha, Lets see..I wanted to do it at the beach house again to share that experience with my new found buddies and my real buddies, but we'll save that for some other day hopefully. lol well that and plus it was a no-go on the permission statement. lol so what other way to put something together with my buddy and teammate Sean Healy, through the awesome - Sean Healy Presents...
{click the flyer pic for the entire flyer and info}

{Yes, my bday is the 14th..but the party will be on the 19th}
I hope those of you can make it, but I understand if you're married, have kids, are busy, lol or just can't or don't want to make it. lol c'est la vie...and life will surely go on.
The Plush Lounge is a really low-key cool spot..comfy booths and great security. lol, those are my PEEPS. lol plus I'm stoked to throw a theme party - lol, never really been one for, but 80's & 90's music I'm looking forward to especially since the current music presented to world is weak sauce.
So with that in mind, I'm stoked I get to finally celebrate in the Key Club's 'Plush Lounge' through Sean Healy. I was disputing between the Knitting Factory and the Key Club, but in the end the Key Club made more sense. I wanted to throw a different kind of I like to celebrate these "special" kind of ages (13, 16, 21, and now I hope I have the funds to pull an amazing and YES I did celebrate what can I say, my Haitian side allows me to spread my partying wow, that sounded bad.
13 years old - I was in Garden Grove, lol my very first co-ed party at my mom's house. Potato sack races, playing games in the and I think after the boys went home, most of the girls spent the night and we went 'TPing'..Yes, Toilet Papering, lol and my mom drove us (that's when people didn't get so sensitive about their houses or at least had some kind of humor behind it). Ah, yes, my buddy and next door neighboor got lost after we got caught TPing Travis Johnson's house. ha, man they got us back good. The boys at his house came back and TPed my place and added a little somethin somethin called dog poop. ah, so great. lol, talk about having a nostalgic moment.
16 years old - ah, by this time I was pretty settled into being in the city of Irvine and going to Irvine High. I had my little "Sweet 16" version, lol, obviously before they made the MTV version with all these blinged out kids. I think mine was a modest partay. lol It was at the Irvine Hyatt with some of my close buddies and family. Some of my friends and I rolled up fashionably late in a limo, lol have the good ole pics and video this time. I think that was one of the first times people (and maybe including myself) had seen me begin my little transformation (that who knew would take until 25 to grasp lol).
21 years old - haha, well that was a fking blast. There were a bunch of buddies and all of my Pitzer College peeps that partied it up at the beach house. We were fortunate enough to bus my Pitzer peeps to the house so that everyone could be safe - no drinking and driving. Man, that was awesome times. lol, we had an open bar..the great DJ Jiji Sweet getting down on the 1's and 2's and it was pretty packed.
25 years old - haha, Lets see..I wanted to do it at the beach house again to share that experience with my new found buddies and my real buddies, but we'll save that for some other day hopefully. lol well that and plus it was a no-go on the permission statement. lol so what other way to put something together with my buddy and teammate Sean Healy, through the awesome - Sean Healy Presents...
{click the flyer pic for the entire flyer and info}

{Yes, my bday is the 14th..but the party will be on the 19th}
I hope those of you can make it, but I understand if you're married, have kids, are busy, lol or just can't or don't want to make it. lol c'est la vie...and life will surely go on.
The Plush Lounge is a really low-key cool spot..comfy booths and great security. lol, those are my PEEPS. lol plus I'm stoked to throw a theme party - lol, never really been one for, but 80's & 90's music I'm looking forward to especially since the current music presented to world is weak sauce.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
25 years in the
..Now that Thanksgiving is over and done with and Christmas is around the corner..ha, and it happens to be getting closer and closer to my 25th year since my conception ... my brain is kind of scattered, but focused all at the same time. I'm excited and anxious for what the future has in store... I'm loving work..haha and I'm getting a kick out of this Youtube vblog thing I've created. While I could simply delete the negative comments I get on them, I choose to keep them. I think it's important to thoroughly accept and understand not everyone will like you or the content you create. Surprisingly I'm taking it pretty well, I think it's more funny than anything else. lol But once I saw my video on 'News Raw' air on Universal (NBC) while I was working on the 5PM show, it made me realize that even without the sound (since I was at work - so it needed to be on mute city) it needs to look more interesting rather than ONLY ranting. haha I've noticed every time I feel that moment of 'speaking my mind' about something that I pick up the camera and just go - zero hesitation, lmao 'balls to the wall' as they put it. I am a very opinionated person, lol but there needs to be more structure in the thought. lol
[lol, this is actually the one they put on tv, earlier ones before I wore at least a cuter]
I intend on creating more and BETTER content, lol especially not so much I'll still have the 'JAMtastic' kind of humor, but it needs to be a bit more formatted. So expect some different types of vblogs..and definitely please continue to give me your brutal honesty as I see that being the crucial way that I can progress. Also if you've got any questions and need help on how to solve an issue in your life, I want to start sharing some JAMtastic advice with others.. so you can leave a comment/question here or always feel free to e-mail me at: :0)
So now that my face happens to be a BIT more out there between being on 'News Raw Inside' for the morning meetings in the background lol or when I'm a goofy goober when Cary puts the camera on me, I'm enjoying every moment of this process - Learning the CORRECT way of (Broadcast) writing, working other shifts, working my normal a.m. shift with what my what my youngest brohams like to call Uncle Chris and Auntie Jenn (lol, it was when my brohams visited and met them), learning what other jobs consist of, learning the thought process behind being productive in news. I'm loving it, lol. Things in my life are starting to make a bit more sense at least as far as my career goals and mentally/physically where I need to be if I want to be on camera, lol ya dig. But this is all great practice for me. haha, I gotta lose the weight before it means anything and get the different types of broadcast writing down (vo, package, live) i'm just stoked to be there and learning from folks that are in the top market (for a reason). And I'm incredibly fortunate that they would even take the time out to help lil ole me.
News Raw Inside: Oct. 23, 2008
[lol, go to the 9 min. mark]
News Raw Inside: Nov 26, 2008
[lol, go to the 12 min. mark]
So now I'm faced with a couple of trivial notions that I must quickly or at least very soon make a decision about...
- Am I still going to apply for grad school for Broadcast Journalism @ USC's Annenberg School?
- lol how in the world am I going to celebrate my 25th bday in a cost effective kind of manner? [lol unfortunately, the beach house is not an option] the meantime, I've got to rid this thing called...the sniffles..and stick with the mini exercising I can do from home (push ups on those twisty handle thingys, sit-ups, jumping jacks..and some how work in some cardio/and butt exercises in there..maybe do those step workouts..lmao). Anyhoot, I still have much work to do, but I wanted to check-in with my journey. :0)
haha, and part ways with you for a moment..leaving you with one of the best songs and great. lmao..
Spongebob Goofy Goober Song
[lol, this is actually the one they put on tv, earlier ones before I wore at least a cuter]
I intend on creating more and BETTER content, lol especially not so much I'll still have the 'JAMtastic' kind of humor, but it needs to be a bit more formatted. So expect some different types of vblogs..and definitely please continue to give me your brutal honesty as I see that being the crucial way that I can progress. Also if you've got any questions and need help on how to solve an issue in your life, I want to start sharing some JAMtastic advice with others.. so you can leave a comment/question here or always feel free to e-mail me at: :0)
So now that my face happens to be a BIT more out there between being on 'News Raw Inside' for the morning meetings in the background lol or when I'm a goofy goober when Cary puts the camera on me, I'm enjoying every moment of this process - Learning the CORRECT way of (Broadcast) writing, working other shifts, working my normal a.m. shift with what my what my youngest brohams like to call Uncle Chris and Auntie Jenn (lol, it was when my brohams visited and met them), learning what other jobs consist of, learning the thought process behind being productive in news. I'm loving it, lol. Things in my life are starting to make a bit more sense at least as far as my career goals and mentally/physically where I need to be if I want to be on camera, lol ya dig. But this is all great practice for me. haha, I gotta lose the weight before it means anything and get the different types of broadcast writing down (vo, package, live) i'm just stoked to be there and learning from folks that are in the top market (for a reason). And I'm incredibly fortunate that they would even take the time out to help lil ole me.
News Raw Inside: Oct. 23, 2008
[lol, go to the 9 min. mark]
News Raw Inside: Nov 26, 2008
[lol, go to the 12 min. mark]
So now I'm faced with a couple of trivial notions that I must quickly or at least very soon make a decision about...
- Am I still going to apply for grad school for Broadcast Journalism @ USC's Annenberg School?
- lol how in the world am I going to celebrate my 25th bday in a cost effective kind of manner? [lol unfortunately, the beach house is not an option] the meantime, I've got to rid this thing called...the sniffles..and stick with the mini exercising I can do from home (push ups on those twisty handle thingys, sit-ups, jumping jacks..and some how work in some cardio/and butt exercises in there..maybe do those step workouts..lmao). Anyhoot, I still have much work to do, but I wanted to check-in with my journey. :0)
haha, and part ways with you for a moment..leaving you with one of the best songs and great. lmao..
Spongebob Goofy Goober Song
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