Friday, December 12, 2008

2 more days...

lol, don't really have much to say today. lol possibly because i feel super brain dead. lol I need an ooOOmph kick, but I've decided to refrain until the Starbucks over at the WB opens which will unfortunately be after TLA is done. I'm sure they open sooner than 7:30am, rightfully so, but that's when my behind will actually have time to walk over..get my double shot viente caramel frap (blended) with a toasted good times right there. haha, plus I think I need to enjoy my last Friday as a 24 yr.

Last night, I was pleasantly surprised to recieve a present from my good ole Uncle Mark and his wifey, and my buddy, Denora. lol, they gave me a French bottle of champagne. lol I was so geeked about it. lol just because I really wasn't expecting to recieve any gifts (at least until it was closer to my b-day - ha, but I guess that's as close as you get to a day before the weekend kicks in). gotta love it.

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